As stated in rule number 1 , a roboticist must be able to look at the big picture and know at least a little about a lot .
In addition to lowering expectations , this avoids any trespass into the so-called uncanny valley , a term invented by pioneering japanese roboticist masahiro mori more than 40 years ago .
" Computers are beginning to grow wheels and roll around in the environment , " said jeanne dietsch , a veteran roboticist and a founder of mobilerobots inc. , a robot maker in amherst , new hampshire .
One result of all of this engineering is the kind of breakthrough only a roboticist would swoon over : r2 can use both hands to work with a piece of flexible material .
As ron arkin , a roboticist at the georgia institute of technology in atlanta , puts it : " if you kick a robotic dog , are you then more likely to kick a real one ? "