impressible是什么意思,impressible怎么读 语音:
英音  [ɪm'presəbl] 
美音  [ɪm'presəbəl] 
impressible 基本解释
adj. 易受影响的,感受性强烈的,敏感的
impressible 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
He was in his fresh youth -- not passionate , but impressible .
Some impressible index for inflammation reaction , such as levels of c-reactive protein , have predictive value for vascular events following the coronary artery stents implantation .
So polite and so impressible was monseigneur , that the comedy and the grand opera had far more influence with him in the tiresome articles of state affairs and state secrets , than the needs of all france .
If I got it the right length precisely , I could spring the finishing ejaculation with effect enough to make some impressible girl deliver a startled little yelp and jump out of her seat -- and that was what I was after .