Shoup \'s scheme was improved , and a verifiable threshold RSA signature scheme with verifiable secret sharing was presented .
Shoup \'s main research interests and contributions are computer algorithms relating to number theory , algebra , and cryptography .
In 2000 Cramer and Shoup [ 1 ] presented a signature scheme which is secure against adaptive chosen-message attack under the strong RSA assumption and which does not rely on the random oracle model .
After introducing basic knowledge of the cryptology , this thesis introduces the famous threshold RSA signature the Shoup ’ s scheme , and summarizes the general problems in existing schemes . Then focus on introducing “ A New RSA Threshold Group Signature Scheme Based on Modified Shamir ’ s Secret Sharing Solution ”, analyzing them in respect of efficiency , and design a distributed trusted center based on the this scheme and the quantitative analysis result , improving the efficiency of distributing sub-kyes process .
Initially the application of hybrid cryptography is limited to areas from the implementation of efficiency considerations . Until 2000 Cramer and Shoup proposed a KEM-DEM model for hybrid encryption . Since then hybrid cryptography became a general solution to IND-CCA secure and practical public key cryptosystem .