wintersweet是什么意思,wintersweet怎么读 语音:
英音  ['wɪntəswi:t] 
美音  ['wɪntəswi:t] 
wintersweet 基本解释
n. 美丽尖药木;腊梅
wintersweet 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
It has neither rising and falling of the tv plays , nor liveliness novelty of amusement program , and it looked like a chrysanthemum or a wintersweet which showed peace , quiet , fresh and plain , but it has maximal charm .
Considerations on industry of Mei flower and wintersweet at Happiness Mei Plantation , Chengdu : The road of sustainable development
The correlations between the phenotypic traits of wintersweet and geographical and ecological factors are not significant except for latitude and annual rainfall .
As a famous ornamental plant , wintersweet can be potted or cultivated in the open garden with ornamental , medical , edible and industrial values .
AN reagent of 100mg / L was used to spray wintersweet two times . It reduced the damage effect of simulated acid rain at pH2.0 on wintersweet .