webbased是什么意思,webbased怎么读 语音:
webbased 基本解释
adj. 网页版本的
webbased 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Designing and implementing the evaluation system of webbased courses
The design of navigation system is the most important process in developing web base course , and the navigation system is the critical estimated part in webbased course too .
Feedback plays an important role in language learning . How to design feedback for the webbased English reading course is a new problem that web - based teaching and learning countered .
The child receives a message saying that the handset \'s position has been requested , and the parents receive an address , or a marker on a webbased ap , giving the child \'s location .
This paper introduces the basic structure and network composition of webbased virtual laboratory Then the paper gives solutions for the questions of database visiting , virtual instrument emulation and dynamic data exchange , which will meet during developing virtual laboratory