It is tempting to think of the globalisation of the labour market as a zero-sum game in which mrs kamal in pakistan is benefiting at the direct expense of ms vetter in america .
Conversely , janet vetter , who used to have a full-time job as a copywriter for a magazine in new york , lost her job and now moves between part-time and freelance work .
Now , though , employment is slumping : steve vetter , a manager at a firm that services the gas industry , says it recently had 50 applicants for one job ; two years ago it would have been lucky to get any .
Conversely janet vetter who used to have a full-time job as a copywriter for a magazine in new york lost her job and now moves between part-time and freelance work .
" We 're bracing for a siege on new year 's day and will have a full staff on hand , " said klaus vetter , chief doctor at berlin 's vivantes hospital .