vertebrae是什么意思,vertebrae怎么读 语音:
英音  ['vɜ:tɪbri:] 
美音  ['vɜ:rtɪbri:] 
vertebrae 基本解释
n. 椎骨;<解>椎骨,脊椎( vertebra的名词复数 )
vertebrae 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Vertebrae
vertebrae 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Plus , they got collapsible vertebrae or some deal .
These breaks cause collapse of the vertebrae and over time the person with osteoporosis can become hunched over or stooped .
Yoga practitioners typically move the vertebrae much farther . An intermediate student can easily turn his or her neck 90 degrees - nearly twice the normal rotation .
In theory , there is enough in his record to suggest that he may yet be the chief executive america needs , though such boldness is asking a lot of a man who still seems several vertebrae short of a backbone ( john mccain , a generally braver man , flunked it in 2008 ) .
Having found that most deaths in the tsunami that hit indonesia in 2004 were caused by bodies being hurled against hard things , rather than drowning , mr nishi also makes inflatable life jackets that protect the vertebrae from up to 200kg ( 440lb ) of weight .