valuator是什么意思,valuator怎么读 语音:
英音  ['væljʊˌeɪtə] 
美音  ['væljʊˌeɪtə] 
valuator 基本解释
n. 评价者,估价者
valuator 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The personnel of real estate price evaluation are classified as the master valuator of real estate and the valuator of real estate .
The examination methods for master valuator of real estates shall be jointly formulated by the administrative department in charge of construction and the department in charge of personnel under the state council .
Article 4 dismantlement appraisal shall be made by an appraisal institution , which has the qualification of real estate price appraisal ( hereinafter referred to as the appraisal institution ) , the appraisal report shall be signed by a full time registered real estate valuator .
The market rules on the intermediary services of the real estate shall be improved , and the system of the real estate broker and that of the practice qualification of a master valuator of real estates shall be implemented strictly , so as to provide accurate information and well-suited services for citizens .
Article 7 the real estate valuators shall be the personnel who have passed the examination and obtained the certificate of post qualification of real estate valuator .