n. 上涌,上升流(指海水由较深层上升到较浅层的过程) v. (水等)上涌( upwell的现在分词 )
upwelling 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
As upwelling declines , populations of larger phytoplankton such as diatoms are predicted to decline ( green line ) .
Simulating upwelling in a large lake using slippery sacks .
In the equatorial upwelling zone , there is very little seasonal change in phytoplankton productivity .
During el ni o events , phytoplankton productivity in the equatorial pacific declines dramatically as the easterly trade winds that normally drive upwelling grow still or even reverse direction .
These upwelling zones , including one along the equator maintained by the convergence of the easterly trade winds , and others along the western coasts of several continents , are among the most productive ocean ecosystems .