unburdening是什么意思,unburdening怎么读 语音:
unburdening 基本解释
v. 卸去负荷( unburden的现在分词 );吐露心事,消除(思想、心灵上的)负担
unburdening 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
He comes centre stage and begins a soliloquy , unburdening his heart and mind to the audience .
Losing data is not the same as forgetting . It happens all at once , not gradually or imperceptibly , so it feels less like an unburdening than like a mugging .
Conversely , in times of trouble and tension , when our spirits are low , unburdening our worries and fears to compassionate friends alleviates the stress .
It always seemed to me that he was in a perpetual state of unburdening ; trying to slough off his connection to material things , attempting to defy life 's gravity , but with such clumsiness or ill luck that he could never attain the degree of weightlessness that he sought .