tortfeasor是什么意思,tortfeasor怎么读 语音:
英音  ['tɔ:t'fi:zə(r)] 
美音  ['tɔ:t'fi:zə(r)] 
tortfeasor 基本解释
n. 犯侵权行为者
tortfeasor 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
If the injured person is an entity , and such entity is divided or merged , the entity that succeeds to its rights shall have the right to demand that the tortfeasor bear tort liability .
In order to meet the " unconquerable and unavoidable " requirements the tortfeasor should take proper measures both beforehand and afterwards .
Liability can be excluded or reduced to such extent as is considered just having regard to the victim 's contributory fault and to any other matters which would be relevant to establish or reduce liability of the victim if he were the tortfeasor .
When an injured person dies , the person who paid the injured person 's reasonable expenses , such as medical expenses and funeral expenses shall have the right to demand that the tortfeasor indemnify such expenses , unless the tortfeasor has already paid such expenses .
In case the time for stopping the infringement adjudicated according to the preceding paragraph is clearly improper , the tortfeasor may be ordered to stop the use of this business secret within a certain term or scope under the circumstance that the competitive advantage of the obligee to this business secret is protected .