thatcherite是什么意思,thatcherite怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˈθætʃəraɪt] 
thatcherite 基本解释
n. (英国首相)撒切尔夫人的支持者
adj. 撒切尔夫人(或主义)的
thatcherite 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But the real triumph came when thatcherite ideas started to catch on in improbable and inhospitable environments such as the soviet union and france .
This marked a coming together of the alternative comedy scene , which took off in the thatcherite 1980s , and the mainstream it mocked .
The tories retain a thatcherite edge-and one of the ( few ) beliefs they share with their new liberal allies is a fear that the state has got too strong .
He did thatcherite things , such as chairing the bruges group that opposed the european union ( though on grounds of interventionism , not the single market ) and founding in 1985 a fan-club called no turning back .
Under the impact of what it saw as the thatcherite economic revival , new labour since 1997 swallowed the ideology , or rather the theology , of global free-market fundamentalism whole .