temblors是什么意思,temblors怎么读 语音:
temblors 基本解释
n. <美>地震( temblor的名词复数 )
temblors 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But now some scientists speculate that only sustained pressure can significantly move fault lines and thus trigger other large temblors .
" But many of the temblors off the island had not been detected , " kuo said , adding that the centre would deploy several more seabed sensors if the government approves their construction .
Since consistent record-keeping began in 1964 , the number of big temblors seen globally has stayed fairly constant : an average of 17 quakes of magnitude 7.0 or higher has been recorded each year , according to the usgs .
Indonesia , a region that has been hit repeatedly by massive temblors , most recently a 7.6 earthquake in september that killed more than 1000 people .