A club that works by consensus and abhors sanctions has only moral suasion .
Moral suasion , more stringent capital requirements and the usual seasonal lull reduced july 's net new loans to the lowest level since beijing started stimulating in earnest last november .
But the contrasting strengths of unions east and west illuminate one basic fact : unions do well for their members in rising economies , but in more austere times , moral suasion is their best and perhaps only card .
Mugur isarescu , governor of the central bank of romania , said his institution would be prepared to use a range of instruments to support the leu , including interest rate policy , moral suasion and minimum reserve requirements .
Instead , we rely on a patchwork of authorities , largely derived from our role as a banking supervisor , as well as on moral suasion , to help ensure that the various payment and settlement systems have the necessary procedures and controls in place to manage the risks they face .