rta是什么意思,rta怎么读 语音:
rta 基本解释
abbr. rail travel authorization 铁路旅行认可;准予铁路旅行(美军);reliability testing assembly 可靠性测试装置;rumor told about 被谈论的流言飞短流长
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No matter how the rta allocates the pie , however , the current pot of money seems woefully inadequate .
Although the usda research found that in most cases total trade rose following an rta , it also found some evidence of " trade diversion " .
It may be that by gearing up for trade ( investing in distribution networks , for example ) , firms within an rta are able to exploit efficiencies that boost trade more widely .
Chicago 's regional transportation authority ( rta ) , which covers the six counties of the metropolitan area , is supposed to promote better planning and links among the city 's system and a pair of others that run suburban train and bus networks . But it has clearly come up short so far .