Collins suffered from rheumatism , gout and the peculiarly victorian affliction of " nerves " , which led to his over-reliance on laudanum .
The strain of supplying the war effort eventually took its toll on colt . Suffering from chronic rheumatism , the 47-year-old gun manufacturer died at his home on january 10 , 1862 , leaving behind an estate worth millions .
The dolphin oil potion , which sells for about $ 25 a small bottle , is used to treat rheumatism , a saleswoman explained .
Even when he was bent with rheumatism he would not think of moving to a drier spot , but went slowly about his work , milking the cows and collecting the honey and eggs , with the two swans always somewhere close at hand .
It will contain detailed profiles of 23 plants , including devil 's claw , which is used to treat rheumatism ; red stinkwood , whose bark provides an ingredient for prostate-cancer drugs ; and african ginger , which is good for relieving headaches .