resists是什么意思,resists怎么读 语音:
resists 基本解释
v. 使用武力阻止(某事)发生[取得成功]( resist的第三人称单数 );抵抗;对抗;阻挡
resists 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The soft , dense metal polishes to a bright yellow shine and resists most chemical reactions .
If your partner resists all your tactics , you will need to take a stronger line or risk him becoming a fully-fledged alcoholic .
How deeply greece 's private debt is restructured will ultimately depend on how far the germans push and how much the european central bank ( ecb ) , which has long opposed any debt write-down , resists .
This would not be the first time that business was rescued by the measures it most stoutly resists : there 's a long history of corporate lobbying against the kind of government spending that eventually saves the corporate economy .
It 's also the word used in the catch phrase " god resists the proud , but gives grace to the humble . "