Those provisions shall not be applied in the rehearing of guarantee dispute cases of which the judgments and rulings took effect before implementation of the said provisions .
Chapter 2 the evolution of the rehearing system and rehearing principles the focus of this chapter is the rehearing evolution in germany , japan and our country and principles hidden in the rehearing reasons .
An agency may even cite officially noticed facts for the first time in its final opinion , so long as it allows the opposing party to rebut these facts by filing a petition for rehearing .
Article 11 in cases where a rehearing action or an action to revoke a judgment of abridgement of rights is prevented by war from being initiated within five years , the provisions of the third paragraph of article 500 and the third paragraph of article 552do not apply .
With respect to the guarantee dispute cases of which the judgments and rulings took effect before implementation of this reply , this reply shall not be applied in the rehearing at application of the party or as decided according to the procedure for trial supervision .