recapitalize是什么意思,recapitalize怎么读 语音:
英音  [ri:'kæpɪtlaɪz] 
美音  [ri:'kæpɪtəlˌaɪz] 
recapitalize 基本解释
vt. 调整…的资本
recapitalize 变化形式
第三人称单数: recapitalizes
过去式: recapitalizized
过去分词: recapitalized
现在分词: recapitalizing
recapitalize 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
And of course , germany has yet to recapitalize its banks .
The banks were able to recapitalize and begin a modernization process that has led to three of the big four banks ultimately listing , with the fourth , agricultural bank of china , slated for later this year .
Greece also needs billions of euros from europe to recapitalize its banks , which would otherwise face insolvency thanks to their heavy losses on restructured greek bonds .
Early in the last decade , the government transferred tens of billions of dollars from china 's foreign-exchange reserves to help recapitalize state banks .
Another suggestion is for the euro zone 's rescue funds to be allowed to recapitalize banks directly , rather than having to lend to countries for on-lending to the banks . But that is another idea with which germany is uncomfortable .