previewing是什么意思,previewing怎么读 语音:
英音  ['pri:vju:ɪŋ] 
美音  ['pri:vju:ɪŋ] 
previewing 基本解释
n. 预视
v. 预映( preview的现在分词 );为(影视节目)写预评;概述;扼要介绍
previewing 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Previewing key information and then sleeping on it increases retention 20 to 30 percent .
Just look at how merrill lynch is previewing it : " coming soon : a new stock universe . "
After previewing an early version of windows 8 , we 've now had a chance to use microsoft 's consumer preview and have a few initial impressions to share .
He also entertained lavishly in washington , previewing hollywood movies after dinner . The president himself often enjoyed and reciprocated his hospitality .
They turn a whole wall or even a whole room into a display or a set of displays , thus previewing and investigating ( willingly or not ) the soon-to-come future of our apartments and cities when large and thin displays covering most surfaces may become the norm .