n. 预备学校学生[毕业生];(尤指在衣着、举止等方面)像预备学校学生的人 adj. 预备学校学生的
preppy 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Wadle has been steadily climbing through the ranks at the preppy fashion powerhouse since she arrived in 2004 .
The preppy guy , is our spotter ?
Second-hand dinner jackets have long been the preserve of british undergraduates with a penchant for brideshead revisited styling , to the extent that they are a staple part of the english aristo version of preppy .
Lindsay lohan 's character was originally written as a goth , but she did not think anyone would relate to that , and decided to dress in a preppy style for her audition , and the character ended up being re-written .