nym是什么意思,nym怎么读 语音:
nym 基本解释
abbr. nymon (Greek=name) (希腊语)名字(如同反义词,同因异议词,假名,同义词等中的后缀)
nym 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Nym spent the next few years working the oddest of jobs , but before long , he rebuilt his pirate forces , becoming a capable and distinguished leader .
It is hard to keep a good acro nym down , and the game of throwing countries into groups is unlikely to end .
Five women who worked for the cosmetics store sephora in new york filed complaints , and the equal employment opportunity commission ( eeoc ) sued last fall on their behalf . Nym .
Nym 's fearsomeness came not from cruel acts of violence -- in fact , he made every effort to minimize bloodshed in all his ventures -- but rather , the speed and effectiveness of his raids .
Alexander humez is offering the opportunity to dazzle your friends and confound your enemies with a test of your nym knowledge .