noncompliance是什么意思,noncompliance怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˌnɒnkəm'plaɪəns] 
美音  [ˌnɒnkəm'plaɪəns] 
noncompliance 基本解释
n. 不服从,不顺从;不履行
noncompliance 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Do not use meme for political advertising in noncompliance with philippine laws .
This article will teach you how to avoid ineffective ways of communicating that lead to noncompliance and power struggles , or damage self-esteem .
After all , 78 percent compliance with involuntary labor requirements still means 22 percent noncompliance , which translates to coercion and debt bondage being part of how your your iphone was made .
" We 're confident the companies will comply , " mr. valero-ladron said . " The penalties for noncompliance are much higher than compliance . "
A european ban on noncompliant airlines would be a measure of " very last resort " applicable only in cases of " continued noncompliance , " isaac valero-ladron , the commission 's spokesman for climate action , said on thursday at a news conference in brussels .