nie是什么意思,nie怎么读 语音:
nie 基本解释
abbr. not included elsewhere 不包括别处
nie 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Eug é nie approached softly , and saw the old man sleeping soundly in an arm-chair in his lodge .
Is that she , mamma ?“ asked Eug é nie ;” almost opposite to us , with that profusion of beautiful light hair ?“
During the ceremony , a white zonal paper-cut called “ Qiao huo nie ” which produced by Bimo looks very dependent and special .
Eug é nie is to be married in a week , and in three days there is to be a grand feast , a betrothal festival .
hot rum toddy with a beaten egg . Eug é nie approached softly , and saw the old man sleeping soundly in an arm-chair in his lodge .