msw是什么意思,msw怎么读 语音:
msw 基本解释
abbr. MachineStatusWord 机器状态学
msw 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Msw landfills are important anthropogenic methane emission source on earth . Biological oxidation is essential role in global methane cycling .
On this basis , some principle recommendations have been put forward for optimizing design of the thermodynamic system for msw incneration power plant .
The combinatorial separation include selective fragmentized separation , primary election and manual election , magnetic separation , difference speed fragmentized separation and auto-transmission line of msw .
As the economy growth and national income increasing , the quality of life and consumption of level also rapidly raise . The above phenomena result in increasing municipal solid waste ( msw ) as well .
Nearly all rubbish is generated by city-dwellers , and in a new report on municipal solid waste ( msw ) , the world bank warns of the potential costs of dealing with an ever-growing deluge of garbage .