monotonic是什么意思,monotonic怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˌmɒnə'tɒnɪk] 
美音  [ˌmɒnə'tɒnɪk] 
monotonic 基本解释
adj. 单调的,无变化的
monotonic 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But still , the best models we have suggest that unemployment and inflation adjust in a monotonic way to demand shocks under a high-quality monetary policy .
In the jargon , we refer to this type of convergence as " monotonic " : a shock knocks the variables off their long-run values but they gradually return , without overshooting on the other side .
The association between childhood intelligence and adult frequency of getting drunk is equally clear and monotonic , as you can see in the following graph . " Very dull " add health respondents almost never get drunk , whereas " very bright " add health respondents get drunk once every other month or so .