loh是什么意思,loh怎么读 语音:
loh 基本解释
[医][=loop of Henle]亨利(氏)袢
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Steven loh , a businessman from singapore who runs a real-estate advisory group called silkrouteasia capital partners , is a bulk buyer .
" We have heard from self-appointed messengers that henry tang is beijing 's choice , " said christine loh , a former legislator .
" I don 't think any of us has ever really appreciated how important looking good is to singaporeans , " show organizer gillian loh said in a statement .
' Instead of running away from the market , investors rush to buy houses or shares whenever tightening monetary actions are taken , ' write the study 's authors , professors yao shujie , luo dan and loh lixia .
Christine loh , the undersecretary for the environment , said the hong kong government accepted all the findings of the report and pledged it would tackle the problems with new targets , incentives and potential penalties for commercial and public transport and shipping in the city .