Unloading costs including lighterage and wharfage charges , unless such costs and charges were for the seller 's account under the contract of carriage ; and .
Article 3 ports herein refer to the areas of water and land within certain range with corresponding dock facilities of functions for entry and exit of ships , anchorage , moorage , off and on of passengers , handling of commodities , lighterage , as well as storage .
Article 12 where a vessel carrying dangerous goods undertakes lighterage of dangerous goods within the water area of a port , it shall file an application to the port administrative department in accordance with the relevant provisions of the ministry of communications .
The port administrative department shall , at the time of examination and approval , get the consent of the maritime administrative institution regarding the water area for the vessel to undertake lighterage operations .
Draft proposals for the charge rates for the lighterage operations shall be made by ports in light of the actual conditions and shall , on the principle of administration at different levels , be submitted to the ministry of communications or the provincial departments ( bureaux ) of communications for promulgation and implementation after approval .