libera是什么意思,libera怎么读 语音:
libera 基本解释
n. (天主教)葬礼应答圣咏(指葬礼上为死者做弥撒后所唱的应答圣咏)
libera 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
In china , there has been so much controversy and doubt in many aspects of actio libera in causa theory that a common understanding has not been reached .
The theories field puts forward a lot of standpoints for solving the punishability of action libera in cause , but each standpoint contains blemish .
Labour libera - tion would not only increase the productive forces extremely , but also promote the social relations to be freedom , equality , mutual cooperation and love , democratic relationship , establish the firm foundation for the harmonious society .
Dangerous driving criminal behavior should be understood broadly in criminal law ; whether the behavior should be regulated by the crime of causing tragic casualties requires differential treatment , the senselessly drunken state and the actio libera in causa as special situations do not belong to the scope of the crime of causing traffic casualties .