ler是什么意思,ler怎么读 语音:
英音  ['lər] 
美音  ['lər] 
ler 基本解释
[医][=leukoerythroblastic reaction]幼白-幼红细胞反应
ler 变化形式
易混淆的单词: LerLER
ler 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But she does have a ki I ler body .
This store has a flying bike and books to the ceiling . Need we say more ? Ler devagar , lisbon , portugal
He was so mi sled by the false appearance of the germans that he made wrong estimation of hit ler 's invading intenton and time , which led to his losing of the strategic initia tive .
In one he placed carrots , in the second he placed eggs , and in the last he placed ground coffee beans . He ler them sit and boil , without saying a word .
' The custom of eating yee sang during chinese new year belongs to the cantonese , and given that the people of this dialect are mostly from kuala lumpur , it must have originated from here , ' said the president of the klang hokkien association , dr. ler cheng chye , to malaysian newspaper the star .