inveighs是什么意思,inveighs怎么读 语音:
inveighs 基本解释
v. 猛烈抨击,痛骂,谩骂( inveigh的第三人称单数 )
inveighs 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
His backers say that his statements on these matters are rarely picked up by local critics or by china , which inveighs against him for manipulating history .
As it inveighs against colonel qaddafi , its saudi allies have helped snuff out the flame of democracy in the gulf state of bahrain .
In savage love his weekly column he inveighs against the american obsession with strict fidelity .
He inveighs with even more passion against the over-generous pensions of state employees , costing them at more than $ 6 billion this year , about the same as the programmes he is being forced to eliminate .
He is a true-blue southern baptist who inveighs against gay marriage and abortion from the pulpit , but also displays a gift for passionate , humorous preaching that has its roots in his past as a street minister .