ila是什么意思,ila怎么读 语音:
ila 基本解释
abbr. insulin-like activity 类胰岛素活动;insurance logistics automated 保险后勤自动化;interlobular artery 小叶间动脉
ila 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But a paper published on may 19th by ila patnaik and her colleagues at the national institute of public finance and policy in delhi documents a gradual thinning out of the bretton woods ii regime .
Something similar appears to have happened in india 's money market after the wheels came off lehman brothers , according to a study by ajay shah and ila patnaik of the national institute of public finance and policy , and jahangir aziz of jpmorgan .