缩写自短语hob and nob,敬酒,你一杯我一杯,来自古英语habban,nabban,对应have,not have.引申词义亲近,巴结。比较willy-nilly.
hobnob 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
There are few better ways to boost it than to hobnob with mr obama .
Germans like to watch the chancellor hobnob with the world 's most powerful men .
Finally , on june 19th , he is to visit britain for several days to hobnob with the prime minister , gordon brown , plus various other politicians and would-be investors .
Sensitive to the charge that they would hobnob with hamas , the europeans have suggested inserting palestinian forces loyal to president mahmoud abbas as intermediaries .