heliosphere是什么意思,heliosphere怎么读 语音:
英音  ['hi:lɪəsfɪə] 
美音  ['hi:li:əˌsfɪr] 
heliosphere 基本解释
n. 日光层;日球
heliosphere 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
" When the solar wind blows out plasma it too causes a bubble : the heliosphere , " he explains .
Understanding more about the heliosphere and its ability to filter out galactic cosmic rays could be critical for assessing the safety of human space travel , schwadron notes .
One possibility is that pressure from this external magnetic field has forced particles just inside the heliosphere to bunch together into a ribbon .
Update ( 9 / 6 / 2012 ) : in an email , decker notes that the nature paper was based on data collected before february 2012 and that newer observations further complicate the question of when voyager 1 will leave the heliosphere and enter interstellar space .
The new findings may also help predict how the heliosphere varies in shape and size as it moves through the galaxy and encounters regions of space having different densities and magnetic field strengths .