flocculated是什么意思,flocculated怎么读 语音:
flocculated 基本解释
adj. 絮凝的,凝絮化的
v. 絮凝,絮结( flocculate的过去式和过去分词 )
flocculated 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The illites and kaolinitesare flocculated and deposited at the salt water wedgehead where the water salinityis about9x10-3-13x10-3during flood time and the montmorillionites are floc-cu1ated and deposited in the salt water wedgetail where the water salinity is aboutl9x10-3-24x10-3during the ebb time , which show the essential regularities ofthe horizontal deposition in the mouth bar area .