filature是什么意思,filature怎么读 语音:
英音  ['fɪlətʃə] 
美音  ['fɪlətʃə] 
filature 基本解释
n. 缫丝;纺丝;螺丝机;螺丝厂
filature 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
At that time , england and america began to establish mechanical filature factories in shanghai . Since the technology innovation of the west industrial revolution started with the textile industry , the production efficiency and quality of chinese traditional hand reeling cannot match the mechanical filature at all .
It was weird that filature industry is flourishing while the raw silk price was dropping with the day , which , according to hu 's observation , was mainly caused by the price war between all the chinese raw silk dealers who were thereby manipulated by foreign businessmen in its price .