exiling是什么意思,exiling怎么读 语音:
exiling 基本解释
v. 流放,放逐,使流亡( exile的现在分词 )
exiling 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Comparing different techniques of exiling fry , doing that after it could move parallelly was the best .
Local flavored novels in the 1980s : the self exiling and redeeming in the " cultural source seeking "
After exiling himself for months following last year 's infamous taylor swift stage bomb , the rapper made some of his first comeback appearances at the headquarters of facebook and twitter in late july .
He says it was the exiling of an elite community within judea and the destruction of the temple in jerusalem in 586 b. c that lead to a more " universal vision of strict monotheism . "
In accordance with the amount of tax of every province after " tan ding ru mu " , the problem of tax adding existed still the chief bearer of heavy tax , the problem of going into exiling is still unsolved .