dispersedly是什么意思,dispersedly怎么读 语音:
英音  [dɪspɜ:'si:dlɪ] 
美音  [dɪspɜ:'si:dlɪ] 
dispersedly 基本解释
adv. 分散地,散乱地,散开地
dispersedly 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
For other 12 removal households that live dispersedly , scattered resettlement is adopted .
Revenge is a highly dispersedly implemented social control system whose elements are still necessary in traditional law in effect .
The land that is an unit with the family manages mode dispersedly with its agile mechanism , solved the problem of dress warmly and ear one 's fill of the farmer .
This one theory is research target with industrial organization , it is central clew with market structure , structure of analytic company interior ( constituent structure , system structure ) with the enterprise external market structure ( industry or market concentration are spent , spend dispersedly etc ) the influence to one country and even world economy .
Produce the new condition of development to get used to commodity , below governmental guiding and relevant section support , held water to give priority to body with professional large family , technical personnel is a backbone , experience farming branch is rely on " too the county raises the storehouse hare association " , manage dispersedly .