decouples是什么意思,decouples怎么读 语音:
decouples 基本解释
v. 减弱(核爆炸)震波( decouple的第三人称单数 )
decouples 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
As growth decouples from the west , monetary policy should be tailored more and more to address local growth conditions .
Information hiding is important for many reasons , most of which stem from the fact that it effectively decouples the modules that comprise a system , allowing them to be develooed , tested , optimized , used , understood , and modified individually .
If you begin with the premise that the abstraction of data center resources into software representations ( such as virtual machines ) decouples it workloads from the physical systems they rely on , then it makes sense to reconsider the way you buy and build your data centers .