deconstructs是什么意思,deconstructs怎么读 语音:
deconstructs 基本解释
v. 解构(文学作品等)( deconstruct的第三人称单数 )
deconstructs 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The bringing up of the theory of production deconstructs this kind of immobility and mystique .
Ian thompson gently deconstructs the myth that william wordsworth invented this repository of the english soul , but he attempts only half a debunking : the lakes still begin and end with the poet .
It deconstructs the rumbustious 1990s , when inner conflicts of the sort that always beset science but which are generally hidden from the public were made manifest .
While , during construction of modern novel , the main piece deconstructs the romantic style represented by romance of knight .
This paper deconstructs the ideas of max weber 's bureaucracy from the perspective of system and idea after thinking the dispute on animadvert and development of max weber 's bureaucracy firstly , based on this , then put up with related opinions from the perspective of ethic .