abbr. Chile 智利(电传代码);combat zone 战区;Belfast 贝尔法斯特(不列颠群岛车辆登记符号);Czochralski method 切克劳斯基(单晶生长)法
CZ 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Most of the rockets developed in china belong to the long march chang zheng series with the prefix cz or lm .
If your bride-to-be or your spouse is willing to accept a cz ring instead of a diamond , you can save a huge amount of money .
In slavic languages using the latin alphabet , the sh and ch sounds , single letters in cyrillic , become head-splitting combinations of sz , cz , ci , si , s , s , and c , as in the polish word szczesliwy ( meaning happy ) .