Phytochrome and cryptochrome are the receptors of photoperiod response .
The flies responded in exactly the same way as if they had their own cryptochrome , by either avoiding the magnetic fields or moving towards them if the researchers had placed sugar nearby .
The response was essentially controlled by phytochrome B in red light , phytochrome A in far red light and cryptochrome 1 in blue light . The coaction was also existed among different photoreceptors by analyzing mutants .
Different photoreceptor null mutants were used to research the action of photoreceptor , and the results indicated that cryptochrome 1 , phytochrome A and phytochrome B participate in the modulation of light inhibition process of hypocotyls elongation .
The photonic excitation of a flavin cofactor within cryptochrome causes sequential electron transfer between the flavin cofactor and three conserved tryptophan residues , leading to the formation of the radical pair which is sensitive to the earth ’ s magnetic field .