collaborationist是什么意思,collaborationist怎么读 语音:
英音  [kəˌlæbə'reɪʃənɪst] 
美音  [kəˌlæbə'reɪʃənɪst] 
collaborationist 基本解释
n. 通敌卖国者
collaborationist 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
When war broke out he welcomed the nazis to norway and championed vidkun quisling , the norwegian politician who led the collaborationist government .
One former lula adviser derides them as " boy scouts " and as the equivalent of the collaborationist vichy regime in wartime france .
But if the french arts , from the chansons of maurice chevalier to the ballet of the collaborationist , serge lifar , survived the nazis , how lasting was their victory ?
According to the u. s. military , once the collaborationist guilty , the suspects to a maximum death penalty , but under u. s. military news agency quoted pentagon officials as saying that knowledge , despite allegations made with the enemy , but the military did not intend to rule the death penalty manning .