Here 's a mental exercise : picture a tropical paradise lost in an endless expanse of cerulean ocean .
Cerulean glazed vases with carved design of flower and megranate ( two pieces )
In sense of practice , we should not only know the situation of human 's ability to love and the ways to cultivate it , but also understand the paradox in the free practice of love , with the purpose of experiencing a kind of cerulean beauty of free love .
Yet theirs seemed also a backward step into triviality , away from the thing that this cerulean day-munificent , broiling , burning across her freckled shoulders , hanging so heavily on her hands-ought to become , if only she knew better how to use it .
Dip an iron bar into the cerulean waters of the vitriol springs of modern-day slovakia , for example , and the artifact will emerge agleam with copper , as though the dull , dark particles of the original had been elementally reinvented .