catd是什么意思,catd怎么读 语音:
catd 基本解释
abbr. computer-aided telephone diagnostics 计算机辅助电话诊断技术;Cooperative Association of Tractor Dealers 拖拉机经销商合作协会
catd 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Different rates of straw mulch to improve the field microclimate , reducing spring maize difference between canopy temperature and air temperature ( CATD ), increased leaf water potential ( LW ), especially from 13:00 to 15:00 noon most obvious effect .
The paper discusses two methods for deciding the designing toleration in the production \'s designing stage , and according to the simple and common processing , on the basis of model of math , introduces the programme of the CATD tolerance for part \'s main dimensions toleration and basic deflection concerned with the production \'s certain precision .