caseloads是什么意思,caseloads怎么读 语音:
caseloads 基本解释
n. 待处理案件的数量( caseload的名词复数 )
caseloads 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Some see surging caseloads as evidence that the safety net is working .
But campbell pointed out that cps workers typically have " huge " caseloads and deal with situations where families may be less-than-welcoming .
But business fears that neither body will offer salaries competitive enough to attract the sharpest brains and that both institutions will lack experience in dealing with the likely caseloads .
Houman afshar , an immigration attorney at gibney , anthony & flaherty in new york , says consular officials have a great deal of discretion but heavy caseloads and lack of training mean they often make flawed decisions .
In this budding fourth phase , caseloads and staffing are likely to expand once again , stretching facilities and staffs to their limits , along with the need to address the specialized architectural and engineering design requirements for more laboratory space .