The problem is , because of one negative aspect that may be out of biff 's control , I assume that he is a bad worker .
There are many possible reasons why biff was late , perhaps his car broke down , his babysitter did not show up , or there has been bad weather .
I kept thinking of how jerry would on occasion tease george by calling him " biff , " a reference to the son of the failed salesman willy loman .
For example : my employee , biff , has been late to work the past three days ; I notice this and conclude that biff is lazy and does not care about his job .
It was made on the same principle as lazy tongs . You held it between your knees , and when you squeezed it a little mallet shot up ( it was really a cotton reel stuck on the end of a pencil ) and it hit the underneath of the table a proper biff .