They took hostages , and told us that they would open the gate to us at noon , and bade us tarry till then .
As he worked his way from ethos and logos to the pathos of peroration , he bade us think of the connection between deprivation and belligerence , and to do something about it .
And when his wife opened the door and saw that her husband had returned safe to her , she put her arms round his neck and kissed him , and took from his back the bundle of faggots , and brushed the snow off his boots , and bade him come in .
Aaron brody , director of the bade museum and an associate professor of bible and archaeology at the pacific school of religion , says the ancient israelites were polytheists , with only a " small majority " worshipping god alone .
Instantly , the king sent for his master builder , and bade him to construct a strong castle on the top of a mountain , which should be fitted with the most precious things from the king 's own palace , and every kind of toy a child could wish to play with .