asbe是什么意思,asbe怎么读 语音:
asbe 基本解释
abbr. American Society of Bakery Engineers 美国面包工程师协会
asbe 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
On the Vocational Judgment Ability under the New ASBE
The new ASBE issued in2006 eliminated the items of deferred expenses and accrued expenses from the balance sheet .
In particular , the difference is enlarged after the new ASBE , such that the corporations have to adjust the pay taxes with the cost increasing .
Since the formulation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises ( ASBE ), with the progress of China entering into WTO and the globalization of world economy , the internationalization of ASBE has been a tendency .
As well , by introducing a broad asset impairment test and by adopting updated definitions of accounting elements similar to that of ifrss , the ASBE moves Chinese accounting practice further in the direction of international standards .