Ovary superior , conic , glabrous , 3-loculed , apically tapering into an elongated slightly 3-parted style ; ovules 2 per locule , pendulous , anatropous .
It lasted for more than four months from initiation of the ovulate strobilus to formation of anatropous ovules .
Ovary superior , usually 2-5-celled ; ovules 2 or rarely 1 in each cell , usually anatropous , axile , pendulous or rarely ascending , micropyle superior , raphe adaxial ; style simple ; stigma undivided or 2-5-lobed .
Ovary superior , disk absent , locules and carpels 3-5 or more ; placentation axile ; ovules anatropous with a single integument , 10 or more per locule ; styles as many as carpels , distinct or connate ( then only one style ) , generally persistent .